Wednesday 23 May 2012



Are You Tired of Failing at Working from Home?

Are you frustrated and wondering why you are earning peanuts while the "heavy hitters" are earning all the money easily?
Are you disappointed when you market for hours... and nobody signs up? (And the few who do sign up, drop out after a month or two?)
Do you feel dejected when your hopes are dashed in program after program, leaving your bank account on the pathetic side?
FORTUNE smiles on you! You've just arrived at the moneymaking BREAKTHROUGH that will bulge your wallet and overflow your bank account...
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Turn Your Brain into a Super Mega-Money-Generating Brain with our Free Breakthrough Brain Technology!
This is a No Brainer if there ever was one!
The most complete on-line success training on the Internet! -- FREE Daily Live Web Conferences -- Anyone can attend -- Worldwide, and with any browser or operating system -- No long-distance phone charges!
The Big Success Breakthrough -- YOU can become much more successful, online and offline!
The Missing Success Factors -- the "Unstoppable Success Secret" and the"Stuckistic Breakthrough" -- that make success inevitable.
The home-business system that guarantees success, if you simply use the products and services we provide!
You've finally found the success system you've been looking for!
Discover how to get from JustBeenPaid!:
  1. Education to Raise Your Financial IQ so You Become Wealthier Faster!
  2. Assets You Can Buy for $20 that Can Quickly Grow to $40, $60, $80, or Even $100!
  3. Dozens or Even Hundreds of "Brokers" and "Agents" Who Help Grow Your Earnings!
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How to Maximize Your Earnings with JustBeenPaid!
Note: You don't necessarily have to understand How to Maximize Your Earnings... to succeed with JBP/JSS. The minimum you need to do to succeed with JBP/JSS:
1. Join JBP by opening an account;
2. Set up your AlertPay account and fund it, or link your credit card to it;
3. Upgrade in JBP by making your $15 payment;
4. Enter your AlertPay email address in the JBP Member Area;
5. Sponsor downline members (optional);
6. Study and apply "Upgrade Your Brain" and the "Big Success Breakthrough" -- see "Access Our Products" in your JBP member area;
7. Make JSS-Tripler your primary moneymaker.
However, if you want to become more successful with JBP/JSS, and use it to earn even more money, you may be able to benefit from How to Maximize Your Earnings...


The first step is to start making money with JSS-Tripler -- see JustBeenPaid! Overview. This should enable you to realize that you can make money with at least one part of JustBeenPaid!
The second step is to realize that some people have earned considerable amounts with JSS-Tripler -- see our Blog. All these people started earning at a certain level and then took steps to increase their earnings. This should enable you to realize that you can also take steps to increase your earnings.
There are three basic ways to earn lots of money with JBP/JSS:
  1. Start with lots of money;
  2. Start with a small amount and sponsor many people;
  3. Start with lots of money and sponsor many people.
Check out our Blog and look for examples of the abive three ways.
You could set yourself a target of earning a specific amount every week or month -- see How to Earn $200 Every Week!
Improving your marketing skills and building your JBP downline may be the best way for you to increase your earnings. See Marketing FAQ and particularlyMarketing Essentials -- the Challenge! and Offline Marketing.


A basic way to increase your earnings with JBP/JSS is simply to build your downline by sponsoring new members. Realize that there are tens of millions of people trying to make money online. About 98% of them enjoy little or no success. By introducing them to JBP/JSS, you provide them with a solution -- see "The "98% Solution" Makes It So Easy to Make Money Online that a Baby Can Almost Do It!" This may be a better solution than anything else they've ever come across.
Alexa Traffic Graph for
People are joining JBP in droves. The Alexa traffic chart (left) provides an indication of JBP's popularity. If the chart goes above 20,000 and stays there, it would indicate that JBP is among the top 20,000 websites worldwide, in terms of visitor accesses. This popularity is due to the fact JBP is a great moneymaking solution for people all over the world.
To get an idea of how popular JBP is in various parts of the world, please examine this JBP Alexa Chart. Click "Traffic Stats" and "Reach." If you look at the list of countries on this chart, and click "More," you can see how much traffic JBP gets from various parts of the world. (The lower the number, the higher the traffic.) All this means that JBP/JSS is easy to market.
It also means that JBP/JSS will be easy for your downlne to market, particularly if you assist them.
Your downline is of great potential value to you. As long as they continue buying JSS-Tripler positions, you earn 10% referral commissions on your first level. And, for the purchases by their referrals, you earn 5% referral commissions. The more active and successful your downline members are, the more you earn.
You always have the potential to "strike it lucky" or "hit the jackpot!" A referral you sponsor could be a "High Performer" and earn you a fortune!
Note that you can also earn with the other JSS programs, particulary JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS). You earn $60 for each of your JSS positions that cycle. When your referrals' JSS positions cycle, you earn a $5 referral bonus. When your referrals' referrals' JSS positions cycle, you earn a $2.50 referral bonus. See Synergy Surf FAQ. All this can add up to big money!
It's in your interest to communicate with your downline members and to establish relationships with them. You may also want to assist them to become more active and successful. If they haven't upgraded, you may want to encourage them to do so -- particularly for JBP2 and JBP3.
For JBP2 you earn $28.50 per sale, every 3 months. For JBP3 it's $58.50 per sale, every 3 months. You have to upgrade yourself to earn these referral bonuses.
JBP enables you to communicate with your downline/referrals -- see the link for ""Referrals" in your JBP member area. You can use the Bigbooster Extractorto get the email addresses you can contact. (You can copy/paste both your downline and your referrals to the extractor, which eliminates duplicates.)
You're also welcome to promote other programs, products, and services to your JBP downline/referrals.
Please understand and appreciate the moneymaking power you can gain by being a JBP member and working with your downline. Particularly by improving your marketing skills, you can use JBP to become more successful with practically any other program!


It's the JBP/JSS structure that makes JBP so powerful and popular. The JBP/JSS structure enables the "98%ers" to easily earn money with JSS-Tripler. So they'remuch more likely to become active in JBP, compared to most other programs.
Also, because it's so easy to earn, and the recurring upgrade cost for JBP1 is only $15 every 3 months, the attrition rate is much lower than for most other programs. There's never a compelling reason for anyone to drop out of JBP.
That's why JBP/JSS makes your potential earnings explosive. Your JBP downline members, once they start making money, are very likely to become active and start sponsoring others. In the long run, this could explode your earnings!


It's most important that you see the Big Picture of what makes JBP so popular and work so well. There are reasons why the Alexa traffic chart above performs the way it does. It's much easier to sponsor people into JBP -- particularly because of JSS-Tripler -- than most other programs. It's quite possible that, with the same effort, you sponsor twice as many people, compared to most other programs.
There are many people who've tried for years to make money online, with little or no success. When they discover JBP/JSS, they usually quickly become very excited, because it doesn't take very long for them to start making money.
Many programs are structured so the big promoters make the money, while the vast majority of members just lose whatever they put into the programs. This applies, for example, to a program where members need a downline of 14 to cycle and get their money back, and they need 64 to make the "big money." It also applies to most 2x2 cycling matrixes, where you need 6 to cycle and earn. The vast majority of people who join such programs, just lose their money. Are you doing people a favor by sponsoring them into such programs?
When you sponsor people into JBP, you're doing them a favor, because you're providing them with a relatively easy way to start making money. They can immediately start making money with JSS-Tripler without sponsoring anyone.
Can you see that, with the same marketing effort, you're likely to sponsor twice as many people into JBP, compared to most other programs?
That the JSS-Tripler/JSS combination makes JSS-Tripler indefinitely sustainable is most important. Practically all other high-return programs get to a point when the owners decide to run with the money, and their programs disappear. Members lose all the money they had left in such programs. See JSS-Tripler FAQ andSynergy Surf FAQ.
Are you doing people a favor by sponsoring them into other high-return programs that suddenly disappear, with most members just losing their money?
With JBP, you're doing people a favor by sponsoring them, because the chances are very good that they'll make money, staring with JSS-Tripler. Later, JSS will make it easier for them to make much more!


To the extent that you invest the effort to understand the mechanisms described above, you increase your potential value to yourself. You may want to apply the relevant parts of the JBP products -- "Upgrade Your Brain," the "Big Success Breakthrough," and the "Killer Success Tricks" -- to overcome any barriers that stop you, and/or to improve your skills as needed.
Typical "98%ers" (who usually fail to make money online) tend to be "disvalues to themselves." They can utilize JBP and apply the JBP products to increase their value to themselves.
Eisntein reputedly said that compound interest was the greatest force in the universe. By upgrading yourself in ways that make future upgrading easier, you can apply the power of compound interest to yourself. See Compound Interest on Your Life.
So, increase your value to yourself so you can take advantage of the above mechanisms and leverage your multiple income streams into a fortune!

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Synergy Surf

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"This Breakthrough Creates the Most Perfect "Passive" Moneymaking System Ever Designed!"
Million Dollar Challenge

Frederick Mann: "Find the Mathematical Flaw in the Design of JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS) and JSS-Tripler that Prevents the Combination of These Two Programs Working Together from Being Indefinitely Sustainable, and I Will Pay You $1,000,000 (One Million Dollars)!"

Basically, You Earn 2% per Day or 60% per Month! No sponsoring Requirements. Use Daily Compounding to Increase Your Earnings! Make Daily Withdrawals to Get Your Money Out! This may be one of the easiest and best ways to earn money you've ever seen!
Sponsor People to Earn 10% Referral Bonuses on the First Level and 5% on the Second!Withdraw this Money Daily, or Use It to Further Compound and Increase Your Earnings!
You Can Start with Just $10 and Turn It into a Fortune!
All Similar Programs (Usually Called Revenue-Share Programs, Doublers, Cyclers, Autosurfs, or HYIPs) Slow Down, Stall, and Disappear. This Happened to "The $10 Wonder." Fortunately, JSS-Tripler is Indefinitely Sustainable!
Enrich Yourself by Joining the JSS-Tripler Money Stampede!
JSS-Tripler is Part of the JustBeenPaid! Group of ProgramsJoin JustBeenPaid! for FREEto Find Out More!

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MPL Synergy Partner Logo


The table below shows the top 20 JSS-Tripler earners -- cumulative account fundings and earnings since the program started on 17th February, 2011. (The table is updated approximately once a day.)
JSS-Tripler's Top 20 "Riders"
Rider #
Account Funding
Active Positions
# of Refs
"2%" Earnings
Referral Bonuses
Total Earnings
(Note: "# of Refs" = "Number of Referrals."
Our "Riders" can also receive additional residual income streams from JustBeenPaid! and from its other related programs -- with no extra work!)


Alexa Traffic Graph for
In his book Multiple Streams of Income Robert Allen talks about "cracking the code." As prime example he gives the phrase "Nothing Down" which has been used to generate hundreds of millions in sales. The phrase"Nothing Down" is a "code" that appeals to people. Such a powerful "code" can make a huge difference to the response rates you get from your marketing efforts.
Above is the Alexa traffic chart for JustBeenPaid! (JBP). If this chart stays at a relatively high level or rises dramatically, it would indicate that JBP has"Cracked the Code!"
Sometimes, a newly-launched program takes off like a rocket. Initially, a number of heavy hitters promote it to their lists. After a while their marketing tapers off and program growth slows down. This would result in a declining Alexa traffic chart. Mostly this is not a reason for concern. Only if the chart drops to the bottom of (or completely off) the chart, and stays very low, does it indicate that the program is stagnating or even dying.
JSS-Tripler uses the same domain as JBP. JSS-Tripler's main "codes" are "Something Positive is Always Happening!," "The 98% Solution!,", and "Indefinitely Sustainable!" It's the power of JSS-Tripler to attract new visitors and members that's largely responsible for the rise (or high level) of the above Alexa traffic chart.

"#3 Most Overlooked Success Principle: Overcome Fear!"
General anxiety or fear may prevent you from getting on the best "horse" you find. General anxiety or fear may "kill your luck."
While prudence is in order -- you don't necessarily "put all your eggs in one basket" -- you may nevertheless want to become a "fearless rider."
Must-read book: The 50th Law by 50 Cent and Robert Greene. Extract from the review on by Andrea L. Ruben:
The 50th Law, a book like nothing you've ever read before. I first expected a continuation of Mr. Greene's other books...; this is to say the least completely different. Fearlessness is the basic focus of The 50th Law. The book explains how fear can cripple most people from living their lives well and with power. It also gives examples of those who lived on the fringes of society, who applied themselves fearlessly to the mastery of their own particular goals in the midst of despairing circumstance. The book's co-author 50 Cent, is one of Robert Greene's most adept pupils who rose in fame, money and power in a few short years amidst many life-changing setbacks. What an inspiration for anyone who wants more than their current situation in life can give them right now... Read this book with an open mind, you may realize that fear is the only thing holding you back from what you truly want. It may be hard, gritty and abrasive yet this is the only book that will tell you the truth about how exactly one rises to power in this world; it's not pretty and it's fearless.

"The "98% Solution" Makes It So Easy to Make Money Online that a Baby Can Almost Do It!"

You Can Overcome the Obstacles that Prevent about 98% of Wannabe Online Moneymakers from Succeeding!
Are you frustrated and wondering why it's been such a struggle to make money online -- trying one failed program after another?
Have you experienced so much rejection and failurethat you think you'll never escape from your boring or dead-end job?
Have you become disgusted because your sponsoring efforts haven't worked, you've received no "spillover," and you just feel like giving up?
If Some of the Above Applies to You, then It's Not Your Fault! Most Money-Promising Programs Are Designed So the "Top 2%" Make the Money, but the "Bottom 98%" Don't Have a Chance!
Now Discover the Power of...
"Something Positive Always Happening!"
This is the "98% Solution!"

Very Satisfying

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I have been with JustBeenPaid! since it launched in early 2010, which proved to be very successful. But now in these last 4 short months JSS-Tripler has proven to be my best income earner compared to all the other programs I have joined in the previous 4 years! As a fulltime online marketer it is rare to find a program where the aims of the business are spelt out from the very beginning which has not only given me the confidence myself to invest but also the confidence to introduce JSS-Tripler to others... thank you Frederick! -- Alan Chapman
(Frederick Mann is the main designer of JustBeenPaid! (JBP) and JSS-Tripler.)
One of the single most important skills you can improve to raise your earning power is your ability to persuade. The "persuasion course by Mr. X" is phenomenally powerful and easy to learn. By applying the course material -- which you can learn in about an hour -- you may be able to increase your earning power by a factor of 10, or even more!
Join JustBeenPaid! to get access to "Mr. X's Persuasion Course."
Every Day, when You Log into Your JSS-Tripler Account, You'll See that "Something Positive Has Happened": Your 2% Daily Earnings Have Been Added; You've Received Several Payments from Your Downline's Purchases!(With most other programs, when you log into your account, you see that nothing has changed, and you may interpret this as "Nothing is Happening!" -- not satisfying!
Basically, You Earn 2% per Day or 60% per Month! No sponsoring Requirements. Use Daily Compounding to Increase Your Earnings! Make Daily Withdrawals to Get Your Money Out! This may be one of the easiest and best ways to earn money you've ever seen!
Sponsor People to Earn 10% Referral Bonuses on the First Level and 5% on the Second! Withdraw this Money Daily, or Use It to Further Compound and Increase Your Earnings!
You Can Start with Just $10 and Turn It into a Fortune!
All Similar Programs (Usually Called Revenue-Share Programs, Doublers, Cyclers, Autosurfs, or HYIPs) Slow Down, Stall, and Disappear. This Happened to "The $10 Wonder." Fortunately, JSS-Tripler is Indefinitely Sustainable!
Enrich Yourself by Joining the JSS-Tripler Money Stampede!

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please come back later.)
MPL Synergy Partner Logo

How to fund your JSS-Tripler-Account
  1. Login on the website
  2. Click On The Red JSS Button
  3. Click on Click Here To Go Directly To The Five JSS Programs
  4. Click on JSS Tripler
  5. Click the Enter button
  6. Click The Financial Link at the top of the page
  7. Scroll Down to the Add Funds to Tripler button and click on it
  8. Enter the amount and click on the Transfer from JSS Account button
  9. Check the amounts and result and click on the Fund my JSS Tripler Account button
  10. Close the browser window, not the complete browser
  11. In the previous open screen click the Buy JSS-Tripler Position button
  12. Enter Amount (number) of positions you wish to purchase
  13. Check the amounts of positions and results and click on the button
  14. Close the browser window, not the complete browser
  15. Refresh the previous window after a while
  16. Check your positions by choosing the Positions link on top
    Sometimes the placements of positions can take a while, so be patient.
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